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The Tax Group takes the lead on advisory, transactional and contentious matters or works on an integrated basis with other practice groups in the firm such as corporate, finance, capital markets, real estate and litigation. Our clients include large multinational public companies, many of the world’s leading financial institutions, government bodies and many of Ireland’s leading companies.

The Group is involved in the development of Irish tax policy and Ireland’s response to international tax reform. Acting on our own and also as part of various collective efforts, we have been involved in efforts to strengthen the Irish tax system and to make Ireland a leading jurisdiction for international business.

Recent developments in tax policy have resulted in the Irish Revenue Commissioners moving away from previous practices and taking a more legalistic approach. This change means that the services of tax lawyers are becoming increasingly important. In addition to understanding the approaches of the Irish Revenue Commissioners, we have a full understanding of the strict legal position of our clients. We are often engaged by clients to provide legal advice on bespoke, high value transactions. Our clients can invoke legal professional privilege in relation to most of our tax advice.

Relevant Experience

  • Advising Johnson Controls International on its $4 billion modified Dutch auction tender offer for its ordinary shares  (the largest ever tender offer by an Irish company) following the completion of the sale of its Power Solutions business
  • Advising Ingersoll Rand on the $15 billion combination of its industrial business with Gardner Denver, the first Reverse Morris Trust involving an Irish Company
  • Advising clients on tax controversy matters before the Tax Appeals Commission and High Court in relation to VAT, corporation tax, CGT, stamp duty, executive compensation and rates
  • Advising on CLO transactions with an aggregate value of in excess of €14 billion in a 12 month period
  • Advising Meta (Facebook) on the leasing and redevelopment of a new 14 acre international HQ at AIB Bankcentre and Fibonacci Square, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
  • Advising the Depository Trust Company of New York (DTC) on Irish legal and stamp duty aspects of Irish companies listing on US stock exchanges
  • Advising on the migration of intellectual property portfolios for publicly traded US companies operating principally in the life science and technology sectors
  • Advising a number of asset managers on structuring the ownership of US life settlement portfolios using Irish regulated and unregulated fund vehicles