Waste Management
Arthur Cox has extensive experience advising on the development and operation of major waste projects as well as regulation of the waste sector.
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We advise clients on biowaste, waste to energy, waste recycling and recovery, industrial scale composting as well as waste management initiatives in areas of particular focus at a European level. We advise and represent REPAK, WEEE Ireland, and advised the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on End of Life Vehicles.
The Group advises on the full range of issues relevant to regulatory authorities and the producers, collection service providers, recovery and disposal operators active in the waste management industry, including:
- Domestic and European waste regulation.
- Delivery of waste infrastructure, including landfill, waste-to-energy, waste transfer station, materials recovery and composting projects.
- Licensing, permitting and planning for waste disposal or recovery infrastructure.
- Transhipment of waste across national boundaries
- Unlawful or illegal dumping
Relevant Experience
- Advising and acting for Bioverda in its application for a biomass waste to energy facility in County Cork, including representing Bioverda at the oral hearing held by An Bord Pleanála into the proposed development
- Providing strategic advice and legal representation to Indaver Ireland in the first public oral hearings held by the Environmental Protection Agency into waste-to-energy projects proposed for Counties Cork and Meath and continuing to represent Indaver Ireland in related third party litigation in connection with these projects. These are the only such incineration projects to have received planning permission and waste licences in Ireland
- Advising the DONG Energy Generation A/S, in its successful bid for the proposed PPP Dublin waste-to-energy facility, including construction, operational, contractual and regulatory matters (including environmental impact assessment and obtaining planning and environment approvals) for the largest such facility proposed in Ireland
- Representing the largest private waste infrastructure provider in Ireland, Greenstar, in defending third party legal challenges to the approval for engineered residual waste landfill facilities in Counties Galway, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow – including in the Commercial Court of the Irish High Court
- Acting for Glancré Teoranta in legal proceedings before the Commercial Court to challenge a decision refusing it planning permission for a waste recovery facility in County Mayo