Commercial Contracts
We have one of the leading commercial contracts teams in Ireland. Our market leading team is comprised of lawyers from our technology, corporate, intellectual property, digital infrastructure, financial regulation, construction and engineering, and life sciences practices that all have a wealth of experience advising on the full spectrum of commercial arrangements and activities.
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The depth and breadth of our team’s experience and expertise reflects our understanding that commercial contracts and law touch all business sectors and are integral to a wide variety of organisations. Our broad and varied experience also provides us with a keen awareness of the drivers behind commercial arrangements and activities as well as clear insight into the legal, regulatory and structural factors affecting such arrangements and activities. We understand our client’s commercial objectives and provide practical, succinct and innovative advice to help achieve them.
Our team has been at the forefront of the market for many years and is adept at advising on the full range of commercial work, including:
- Outsourcing and procurement projects
- Digital transformation
- Terms and conditions of supply and purchase
- Collaboration agreements and strategic partnerships
- Sales, agency, distribution and franchise agreements
- Manufacturing and supply agreements
- Construction contracts
- R&D collaborations
- The full range of licensing arrangements
- Operating structures and distribution networks
- Major IT contracts
- Practical legal assistance with operational and structural issues
Our clients include global corporations, major domestic organisations and fast growing start-ups across a broad range of sectors (including technology, financial services, life sciences and utilities).
Whether your business is experienced at engaging in strategically important commercial activities and arrangements or is just beginning its commercial journey, our Commercial Contracts team has the track record to help your business achieve its commercial objectives.
Relevant Experience
- Digital Transformation: Advising a large domestic financial institution on its enterprise-level digital transformation project, including by negotiating critical IT contracts with key vendors
- Cloud Outsourcing: Leading the drafting and negotiation of multiple cloud outsourcing arrangements, including for a global Irish-headquartered corporation
- IT Security: Advising multiple clients (including a global payments firm) on the IT security rules applicable to regulated firms
- Financial Services Outsourcing: Leading the drafting and negotiation of multiple business critical customer agreements for a global financial institution. Advising a broad range of regulated firms on outsourcing regulatory rules, including the requirements relating to contractual terms, governance and policy documents
- Life Sciences: Advising numerous pharmaceutical, biologics and medical technology manufacturing plants on sourcing of raw materials and services
- Media & Communications: Advising a national broadcaster on the acquisition of a digital broadcasting platform and related hardware, software and services
- Food and Agribusiness: Advising a major Irish cooperative on a number of strategic contracts including manufacturing, supply, joint venture and collaborative arrangements