Public Sector
Our Public Sector Team has been the leading adviser to public sector bodies since the firm was established in 1920, giving us a unique understanding of the environment in which they operate.
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Our Public Sector Team works in partnership with public sector entities, State and semi-State bodies, Government agencies, Government departments, third-level institutions and universities as well as organisations operating in regulated sectors, supporting them to deliver strategically important projects. We also advise private clients who interact with all arms of the State on various sectoral issues.
We have significant experience with all public law litigation matters, including judicial review and the conduct of statutory investigations and inquiries, as well as Tribunals of Inquiry and Commissions of Investigation.
Relevant Experience
- Advising National Broadband Ireland on the National Broadband Project
- Advising regulated clients in relation to IAASA and HIQA investigations
- Advising daa plc on the second runway at Dublin Airport and infrastructure developments generally
- Advising Irish Rail on its National Train Control Centre Project
- Advising Coillte in relation to the procurement of a number of windfarms
- Advising Government on the establishment of Home Building Finance Ireland, including the Home Building Finance Act 2018
- Advising Government on the establishment of the Land Development Agency, including the Land Development Agency Act 2021
- Acting for the Child and Family Agency (Tusla) in the Tribunal of Inquiry into Protected Disclosures made under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (Disclosures Tribunal)
- Acting for clients on many significant high profile investigations and inquiries, including the Commission of Investigation in the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC)
- Advising the Department of Finance, National Treasury Management Agency and National Pensions Reserve Fund Commission on the restructuring and recapitalisation of the Irish banking sector between 2008 and 2015, including assisting with the drafting of the Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Act 2008, Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Act 2009, National Asset Management Agency Act 2009, Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010, as well as amendments to the Building Societies Acts, the National Treasury Management Act 1990 and the National Pensions Reserve Fund Act 2000
- Advising the National Treasury Management Agency on the establishment of the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund and the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland, including the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland Act 2014 and amendments to the National Treasury Management (Amendment) Act 2014
- Advising clients in relation to the Commission of Investigation in Mother and Baby Homes
- Advising clients involved in judicial review of decisions of the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA)