Introducing the MCAP: Government rolls out new Medical Cannabis Access Programme
On 26 June, the Minister for Health, Simon Harris, signed the Misuse of Drugs (Prescription and Control of Supply of Cannabis for Medical Use) Regulations 2019 (the “2019 Regulations”).
The 2019 Regulations establish the Medical Cannabis Access Programme (“MCAP”), allowing certain patients to be treated with cannabis products (as distinct from authorised medicinal products containing cannabis such as Sativex) and commercial operators to supply these products to the Irish market. The Misuse of Drugs (Designation) (Amendment) Order 2019 and the Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations 2019, both of which amend existing secondary legislation to facilitate the use of certain cannabis product for medical purposes, were signed into law on the same date.
The MCAP mirrors Denmark’s Medicinal Cannabis Pilot Programme, but stops short of permitting the cultivation of cannabis products in Ireland.
Although the MCAP is now operational, there are currently no medical cannabis products authorised for supply in Ireland. Medical Cannabis product manufacturers and suppliers must now apply to the Health Products Regulatory Authority (“HPRA”) for the necessary authorisation to make their products available in Ireland. Pending the availability of these products, it is envisaged that health care professionals will continue to use the Ministerial licensing route to access medical cannabis treatments for their patients.
MCAP Regime |
Further Details |
Type of drug available under the MCAP? |
A “Specified Controlled Drug” (medical cannabis product meeting the requirements under the 2019 Regulations, and listed in Schedule 1 of these Regulations). |
Who can prescribe? | A registered “Medical Consultant” with specialist training in a specified medical condition. |
Who can benefit? | A person diagnosed with a “Specified Medical Condition”. The MCAP is aimed at those who have failed to respond to standard medical treatment. |
How to avail of the MCAP? | A Medical Consultant must notify the HSE for inclusion of his/her patient on the “Cannabis for Medical Use Register” before issuing a prescription for a medical cannabis product. | The HSE assigns a “CMUR Number” to each person whose name is entered on the Register. A patient’s CMUR Number must be included in his/her prescription. |
Cost of product? | The HSE will meet the cost of medical cannabis products prescribed under the MCAP. | Reimbursement will be on a named-patient basis and according to the patient’s eligibility under the community drug schemes, with the following conditions: treatment is consultant initiated;
Who can supply? | A pharmacist or a person carrying on a retail pharmacy business, where the medical cannabis product is supplied for the purposes of his/her profession or business. |
Import licences | A controlled drug annual licence will be required to import the medical cannabis products included in the MCAP. 2 A controlled drug import licence will be required to accompany each import consignment. |
Record-keeping obligations | The 2019 Regulations impose record-keeping obligations on the HSE, suppliers and importers. |
Reporting obligations | A person must report any suspected adverse reaction or quality defect. |
With thanks to Brónagh Carvill for her help in preparing this article.
- The application forms can be found on the ‘Publications and Forms’ section of www.hpra.ie or by contacting [email protected].
- Once a product is listed by the HPRA in Schedule 1 of the 2019 Regulations, it will automatically be included under Schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017. The 2017 Regulations govern the type of licence required for the import or export of various controlled drugs (now including medical cannabis products).
- https://www.hpra.ie/docs/default-source/publications-forms/guidance-documents/aut-g0127-guide-to-import-and-export-licences-and-letters-of-no-objection-for-controlled-drugs-v7.pdf?sfvrsn=50 (page 13)