Arthur Cox contributes Ireland chapter to Chambers: Investing in… Guide 2021
The new 2021 Investing In… guide features 21 jurisdictions. The guide provides the latest information on foreign direct investment, market trends, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and disclosure/reporting, capital markets, antitrust/competition, tax, employment and labour, and IP and data protection.
Connor Manning (Partner, Corporate and M&A), Ailish Finnerty (Partner, Tax), Ian Dillon (Partner, Asset Management and Investment Funds) and Patrick Horan (Partner, Competition and Regulated Markets) have authored the Ireland chapter of the Chambers Investing In… 2021 Global Practice Guide here. You can also view the whole Guide here.
Introduction to the Guide
The purpose of each of the country-specific chapters is to provide the reader with an understanding of the key legal issues that arise from investing in the subject country and to serve as a reference point for the key factors and considerations that should be evaluated prior to making a foreign investment in that country.
The guide generally adopts the OECD definition of FDI for the types of investments that are addressed, which is an investment that reflects the objective of establishing a lasting interest (ie, long-term relationship with significant degree of influence on management) by a resident enterprise in one jurisdiction in an enterprise that is resident in another jurisdiction. This includes transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, formation of partnerships and joint ventures, and significant minority investments.
Since other resources effectively cover the key considerations for owning or operating a business in various countries (see the Chambers Global Practice Guide, Doing Business In…), this guide focuses on those types of investment transactions and not the establishment and operation of new “greenfield” businesses in the subject country.
Each chapter begins with a summary of the country’s legal system, regulatory framework, common transaction structures, corporate governance, capital markets, recent developments and market trends. It then delves deeper into the relevant antitrust/competition, foreign investment, national security and other regulatory regimes that apply to FDI, before concluding with an overview of selected tax, employment/labour and intellectual property considerations.
The Investing In… Global Practice Guide was first published by Chambers & Partners.