AML Update: MLD5 published in Official Journal; new time-frames confirmed
The Fifth Money Laundering Directive was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 19 June 2018.
The final text confirms certain key dates as follows:
Beneficial ownership of corporates
Member States now have until 10 January 2020 to set up the central registers of beneficial ownership
for corporates.
Beneficial ownership of trusts
Member States now have until 10 March 2020 to set up the central registers of beneficial ownership for trusts.
Payment accounts and bank accounts
Member States have until 10 September 2020 to set up the centralised automated mechanisms to allow timely identification of those who hold or control payment accounts and bank accounts.
Further information
For further information on MLD5 generally, read our May 2018 briefing: AML Update: MLD5 agreed.