2023 Priority Legislation for Publication in the Life Sciences Sector
The Government recently published its Spring Legislative Programme for 2023. In this briefing, we highlight some of the legislation for enactment, publication and prioritisation, and bills which are expected to undergo pre-legislative scrutiny relevant to the Life Sciences sector.
Bills currently on Dáil and Seanad Order Paper
The following Bills are currently passing through the Dáíl and Seanad stages and are expected to be enacted shortly:
- Human Tissue (Transplantation, Post Mortem, Anatomical Examination, and Public Display) Bill 2022 – the purpose of this Bill is (i) to provide for the removal, donation and use of organs and tissues and cells from deceased and living persons for the purposes of transplantation; and (ii) to make provision for the establishment and maintenance of a register in respect of certain organs whereby persons who do not wish to donate certain organs after death may register objection to donation of such organs. The Bill is currently before Dáil Éireann, Third Stage;
- Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Bill 2022 – the purpose of this Bill is to provide for the establishment of a new independent statutory office, the key objective of which will be to promote fairness and transparency in the agricultural and food supply chain. The Bill is currently before Dáil Éireann, Third Stage; and
- Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Bill 2022 – the purpose of this Bill is to make miscellaneous amendments to the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005, the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 and the Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Act 2020; and to provide for related matters. The Bill is currently before Dáil Éireann, Third Stage.
Priority legislation for publication
The following Bills are expected to be prioritised for publication and progression in the forthcoming Oireachtas session and we would anticipate that some, if not all, may be enacted in 2023:
- Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feeds and Fertilizers Regulation Bill – the purpose of this Bill is to establish the National Veterinary Prescription System and impose a mandatory electronic prescription requirement for Veterinary Medicinals and to provide for a fertiliser register; and
- Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill – the purpose of this Bill is to introduce a licensing system for sale of tobacco and nicotine inhaling products (including e-cigarettes) as well as a prohibition on the sale of nicotine inhaling products such as e-cigarettes to and by minors, and other additional enforcement tools. This Bill has already undergone pre-legislative scrutiny.
Priority legislation for drafting
The following Bill of relevance to the Life Sciences sector is expected to be a priority for drafting:
- Health Information Bill – the purpose of this Bill is to provide a robust legislative framework for the processing of health information to support a modern integrated health service. The heads of bill are currently in preparation.
Other Bills relevant to the Life Sciences sector which are undergoing preparatory work
Preparatory work is underway in respect of the following Bills:
- Health (Amendment) (Licensing of Professional Home Support Providers) Bill – the purpose of this Bill is to regulate home-support services through the licensing of both public and private providers. The heads of bill are currently in preparation;
- Health (Alteration of Criteria for Eligibility) Bill – the purpose of this Bill is to extend eligibility for medical cards in cases of terminal illness. The heads of bill are currently in preparation; and
- National Research Ethics Committees (NREC) Bill – the purpose of this Bill is to reform and modernise the current research ethics committee (“REC”) framework in Ireland by providing for the establishment of National RECs in key areas of health research. The heads of bill have been approved and pre-legislative scrutiny has been waived.
Please get in touch with any member of our Life Sciences Group if you wish to discuss this legislation programme or any other Life Sciences related matter.