Update on Fit for 55 and REPowerEU
As these significant packages of EU legislation near finalisation, we look at latest progress.
We initially summarised the Fit for 55 and REPowerEU packages here and here and checked in on progress in January here.
Since our last update, the following developments were reported.
National Recovery and Resilience Plans
The Regulation providing for REPowerEU chapters in Recovery and Resilience Plans was adopted and published in the OJEU. The Commission has made guidance on completing chapters available for Member States.
The Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy voted to adopt its Report on the proposed Regulation on the internal markets for renewable and natural gases and hydrogen, and the proposed Directive on common rules for the internal markets for renewable and natural gases and hydrogen. The text will be voted on in plenary session of the Parliament (13-16 February), following which it is expected that there will be informal trialogue negotiations. Further information is available here.
Energy Performance of Buildings
The Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy voted to adopt its Report on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The Committee wants to see all new buildings being zero-emission from 2028, and 2026 for new buildings occupied, operated or owned by public authorities. (The Commission proposed 2030 and 2027 respectively in the initial proposal to revise the Directive). All new buildings would be equipped with solar technologies by 2028, where technically suitable and economically feasible, and residential buildings undergoing major renovation would have until 2032 to comply. Further information is available here. The text will be voted on in plenary session of the Parliament (13-16 February), following which the three institutions will negotiate to agree a final text.
The Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety voted to approve texts resulting from informal trialogue on the proposals relating to amendments of the EU ETS Directive, establishment of a carbon border adjustment mechanism, and establishment of a Social Climate Fund. They will now be voted on in plenary session of the Parliament (13-16 February). It was reported that European carbon prices rose after the vote. Further information is available here.
Cars and Vans
In a final plenary vote, Parliament passed the text following from the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation to amend Regulation (EU) 2019/631 on strengthening the CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles. There will be new CO2 emissions reduction targets for these vehicles. The text must be endorsed by the Council and then published in the OJEU. Further information is available here.
Buses and Trucks
The Commission published a proposal for a new Regulation to amend Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 on strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations. Amendments would include requiring all new city buses to be zero-emission as of 2030. Further information is available here and here.