Fit for 55 and REPowerEU: Recast Renewable Energy Directive among instruments agreed
EU legislation aimed at speeding up energy transition across the economy has moved several steps closer to delivery.
We summarised the initial Fit for 55 and REPowerEU proposals here and here and last checked in on progress in March here.
Political agreement has now been reached on several instruments. Pending formal adoption by the Council and Parliament, they will be published by the OJEU and enter in force.
Renewable Energy Directive
The Recast Renewable Energy Directive III (“RED III”) has been agreed. We described the strands of amendments here. RED III will increase the 2030 EU-wide target for renewable energy as a share of overall energy consumption to a minimum of 42.5%. It will specify measures to increase renewable energy in transport, industry, and buildings. It seeks to push Member States to speed up the permit granting process for new renewable energy projects and repowering. The emergency Regulation to accelerate renewable energy applies pending transposition of RED III into Irish law.
Ireland has a higher renewable energy target (80%) but implementation of the regulatory framework elaborated at EU level will be needed to achieve it. Further information is available here, here and here.
Energy Efficiency
The Recast Energy Efficiency Directive has been agreed. Final energy consumption must be reduced by at least 11.7% in 2030 compared to forecasts for 2030 made in 2020. This is significantly more ambitious than the Fit for 55 proposal (9%) though not quite the REPowerEU aspiration (13%). Specific obligations would require the public sector to lead by example. Further information is available here, here and here.
Effort Sharing Regulation
Political agreement was reached on revisions to the law that regulates Member State efforts to reduce emissions (outside of sectors currently in the EU ETS). The new requirement is to reduce emissions by 40% in 2030 compared to 2005. Further information is available here and here.
Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
Political agreement was reached on revisions to the law that regulates Member State efforts to ensure that LULUCF sinks carbon. Further information is available here and here.
Cars and Vans
Revisions to the law that regulates CO2 emission standards for new cars and vans have been formally adopted and will be published in the OJEU and enter into force. Further information is available here.