Insights Blog

In September 2024 the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (“CRU”) published a new policy which we looked at in our briefing: New Connection Policy for Onshore Generators and Storage.

While systems to support the new policy are being put in place, the CRU decided to introduce an additional application window under the previous ECP policy. Early indications are that the ECP 2.5 process in 2024 was undersubscribed.

An ECP-2.5.1 process is now open for applications for connection until 5pm on 10 April 2025.  The CRU indicates that successful ECP-2.5.1 applicants will be processed together with successful ECP-2.5 applicants.

The CRU states that the application window is open to the same categories of project as ECP-2.5, with the following criteria applying:

  • Any available Category A spaces will be prioritised for renewable energy generation projects on the basis of project size, with the largest number of GWhrs/yr generated by a project being afforded the highest priority in ECP-2.5.1.
  • If any available Category A spaces are not taken up by renewable projects in ECP-2.5.1 they will be open to conventional generation, with the earliest dated planning permission grant date being afforded the highest priority.
  • If the limit of 10 storage projects is not reached by the closing of the ECP-2.5.1 window, then storage projects applying in ECP-2.5.1 with the earliest dated planning permission grant date will be afforded the highest priority.
  • Any available Category C spaces will be open to applications from Community-led projects and, if Category C is undersubscribed, unused allocation will be re-allocated to Category B (small projects, DS3 system services trial projects, and autoproducers).

Further details of these criteria are in the CRU’s decision paper on ECP-2.5.1.