Celebrating Pro Bono Week
L-R: Rachel Power (PILA), Carolann Minnock (Arthur Cox), Deirdre Malone (PILA), Eithne Lynch (A&L Goodbody), Sarah Farrelly (TrustLaw).

Arthur Cox is very pleased to participate in and support the inaugural Pro Bono Week Ireland which runs from 4-8 November 2019. The initiative celebrates the many lawyers who share their expertise with those that cannot afford legal assistance and highlights the need for increased pro bono participation from within the profession. It is a collaborative initiative between law firms Arthur Cox, A&L Goodbody and pro bono organisations PILA (Public Interest Law Alliance) and TrustLaw, the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono service.
The week is organised by the European Pro Bono Alliance, a collaboration of Europe’s leading law firms, along with pro bono clearing houses and organisations. It is being celebrated in ten countries and Arthur Cox is one of the host firms for Ireland.
Ireland Pro Bono Day
Today, Tuesday, 5 November is Ireland Pro Bono Day. To mark the day, this morning Arthur Cox hosted a Legal Health Check Clinic aimed at not-for profits and social enterprises. This free legal training event covered a variety of areas of law and legal skills relevant to the day-to-day operation of these organisations.
A panel of legal experts from Arthur Cox and A&L Goodbody shared their insights with Irish NGOs and charitable organisations on key legal issues.